forced out (age out) of foster care when they are just 18 years old. Experts agree that few teenagers, whether or not they are foster youth, are really prepared to make their way in the world by their 18th birthday.
Johanna Greeson, an assistant professor in the School of Social Policy & Practice at the University of Pennsylvania says that foster youth "tend to struggle with unemployment and housing, and lack access to higher education opportunities."
One way you can become involved and help these children is to support work that locates and reconnects foster kids with their family members.
This program will help only a few youths. Nonetheless, we applaud Goodwill Industries for stepping forward and providing these kids with essential job skills while working to involve local businesses that may provide job opportunities for those who complete the program.
Richard Villasana
Find Families In Mexico
PS. Like and follow us on Facebook for more information about foster youths.
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